Seven stages of aging.

I was talking with RM today and he was mentioning how he's come to a point in his life where he considers young kids as punks which makes him an old man, and that he was okay with it. I told him that I guess that he's come to the final stage of aging. Let's see what the other stages are:

  1. Disbelief - Shock that you are starting to age - seeing the gray hairs or spots or wrinkles appear.
  2. Denial - Trying to avoid paying any attention to the signs of aging, like the aches, pains, and slowing metabolism.
  3. Anger - Getting mad at your own body for not performing up to the standards that you once were used to, like climbing stairs, or running after a train.
  4. Bargaining - Pleading with your body to work the way it used to if you go on your weekly ten minute run or give it some celery oatmeal every now and then.
  5. Guilt - Finding out how far you have gone to hide the signs, by dying hair, makeup or going on unwise diets just so that you can kind of fit back into that suit for your first interview.
  6. Depression - Realizing that there is no way you can actually stop becoming old no matter what new age remedies or crazy exercise regimen you force yourself to partake in.
  7. Acceptance - Finally accepting that you are in fact an old person, and to just enjoy the rest of your life.
 That is my list. I think I am still in the denial stage.


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