Up for air.

So my two week "vacation" is over and I am back at work. My salaried work that is. It is a amazing how quickly my time away went and how easy it was to lose track of time, or what day it was or keep track of anything temporal that was no related to feeding/burping/changing/cleaning a newborn.

Also, it is amazing how little time I have had to think of other things while in that little cocoon of baby rearing.

Not that I am complaining (much). I do recall remembering that I would definitely regret never having children, and after finally having my own truly honest to goodness child, I would completely agree with that assessment.

There will be days when I wonder why this child is driving me to madness, or times when I would just like to be able to tell the spawn to keep quiet, or moments when my little girl does things that only seem to be fitting for torturing me but..

In the end the good will easily outweigh the bad. This was a good choice. This was the right choice.


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