
Showing posts from October, 2014

Nice hair cut.

I got my hair cut two weeks ago. A week ago, people at work started to notice. "Nice haircut." They would say. The first several times this happened, I mentioned that I had my hair cut the week before. But eventually I stopped bothering. What's the point ?

A long, long day

I thought driving to Montreal was going to be the most tiring part of the day. I was wrong.

Alarm! Alarm!

I got to work today and was welcomed by the office alarm. Normally someone from the office will have been in by the time I got in. Now, I was early by fifteen minutes today, but even so, someone is normally in the office way before then. I believe a junction of vacations for most of the early arrivals plus a bit of tardiness from the remaining ones resulted in an office breach by the normally-not-the-first-ones to arrive. Unfortunately, I did not have the security code memorized, I've used it a handful of times in the past decade. Fortunately, I did have the security code on me. Unfortunately, it was on my laptop. Fortunately, it usually starts up quickly because I put the laptop on standby. Unfortunately, last night I actually shut the computer down. Fortunately, someone else in the office had called security. Unfortunately, they still needed the access number or they'd send the cops. Fortunately, that gave me ten minutes to turn on my laptop. Unfortunately, the re

No running water.

So I came home and my dad tells me that there is no running water. What? Apparently there was some sort of leak in the piping, and when he got some plumber to fix it, the guy said he was going to pick up a part and never came back.. So, we stocked up on water from our neighbors and tried to conserve. We North Americans use quite a lot of water during the day! Most of it seems to be for sanitary purposes. I still wanted to go to the first broomball game of the year, so I showered at the arena. The place was.. open. For some reason they leave all the doors open there, so.. yeah. In any case, cleanliness > modesty, so I took a nice long shower.

Nuclear Magnetic Symphony

I just got back from my MRI and I found it to be an interesting experience. Having to hold still and not swallow for minutes at a time was a bit more annoying than holding my (empty) breath for 5-15 seconds at a time. I can see how being in the device, especially with the coils over your head could be a problem for anyone who is claustrophobic. The noises from the machine though were rather curious. I didn't spend a lot of time in the NMR labs so I was never exposed to the sounds from the machines when they were running. Hearing them from within the device, even through the ear plugs, made me wonder what each particular hum or click represented. It sounded like some sort of mechanical symphony. A symphony of magnets. Such are the thoughts of one trying to hold their saliva.