I got to work today and was welcomed by the office alarm. Normally someone from the office will have been in by the time I got in. Now, I was early by fifteen minutes today, but even so, someone is normally in the office way before then. I believe a junction of vacations for most of the early arrivals plus a bit of tardiness from the remaining ones resulted in an office breach by the normally-not-the-first-ones to arrive. Unfortunately, I did not have the security code memorized, I've used it a handful of times in the past decade. Fortunately, I did have the security code on me. Unfortunately, it was on my laptop. Fortunately, it usually starts up quickly because I put the laptop on standby. Unfortunately, last night I actually shut the computer down. Fortunately, someone else in the office had called security. Unfortunately, they still needed the access number or they'd send the cops. Fortunately, that gave me ten minutes to turn on my laptop. Unfortunately, the re...