
Gosh, I've been busy haven't I?

Saw an accident on my way to Growly's birthday party on Saturday. A car sideswiped a taxi. It was minor damage so I did not think I needed to stick around.

I did have a good time wrestling and getting a long needed workout, except that I was still sick. It seems as if my body is not ready for physical activity yet as I still have to recover from the events of that day.

On Sunday, I went snowboarding with MJNL and one of her co-workers. They got lost on the way to the ski hill, but the weather was not very good so I was glad I was not the one driving the car. I did witness some lady ski straight into the fence while I was on the chair lift. Since my snowboarding skills sucked, I ran from the chair to free her. Seems like there were no injuries and she was just stuck (for a few minutes). Later on the same lady fell down and couldn't get up, so I had to take the board off and help her get the skis off. I told her to walk down the hill. Even later as I was putting the board back on, I saw some guy in skis barreling down the hill, straight into the barrier around one of the snow wands. I was ready to check that out too but a ski patroler had started coming down the hill so I let him take care of that. Coincidentally enough, that guy who ran into the snow wand had come with the lady who I helped twice.

Lessons people. Lessons!

Oh, some information for me about Pykrete and Project Habakkuk.


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