
Two things that had been bothering me for a while was the fact that the paper shredder was jammed in the "on" position and the lock on my filing cabinet broke.

The first problem was my fault: I was putting too much paper through the shredder and it got stuck. forcing the paper through by cycling between the forward/backward directions eventually got the paper unstuck and shredded, but the lever that detected if paper was in the device somehow got stuck somewhere. I tried looking for it with a flashlight and poking for it with tweezers and a paperclip but I had no luck. The opening was too small and there was no way I could see inside. After a week, I decided to put some time in to take the shredder apart. things were a little slow until I discovered that one of the screws was hidden underneath one of the warning stickers. I wonder if the warranty is voided? I guess it does not really matter, the warranty only lasted a year. It took some time for me to find the actual switch, I had to open the shredder from the bottom, and the switch was at the top, so I had to remove everything from the device before I could fiddle with this little plastic thing that got knocked out of position. Putting the thing together took some fiddling as well. I hope it does not fall apart on me. Well, at least I'm pretty much done with shredding my credit card bills and most of my old receipts. I do not think that I will have many more of these shred fests in the near future.

The second issue has been a problem for a couple of years now. One day I tried to lock the main cabinet and although the top drawer remained locked, the bottom one still opened. I discovered that a little knob attachment to a bar that the lock activates somehow got loose and fell off. I had not bothered with it until after I fixed the shredder; I was in a fixing mood. So the plan was to take the bottom drawer out, figure out how to reattach the knob thing, and them put the drawer back in. Sounds simple enough, except that when I tried to take the bottom drawer out, it would not. In fact, I am pretty sure I have to take the darned thing apart to remove it from the filing cabinet. (The cabinet came to us pre-assembled.)  So I was kind of stuck. There was no way for me to even see what the heck was wrong with it to fix it. I decided to cheat: I took a small post-it note, folded it, and shoved it into the gap between the knob and the bar to see if I could wedge it in to place. I took a second one and applied it to the bottom gap and after a bit of fiddling, voila! The lock works! But for how long?


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