
Showing posts from April, 2012

Catch 23 and then some

On Friday night, MJNL and I went out to dinner and a show with BL and MIBAgentQ at the Comedy Bar. The dinner was actually pretty good (wings and burgers) and the show was a bit of a hit and miss. The acts were improv, and out of the three groups performing, just one was really consistently funny (if funny at all). Some of the funny skits were hilarious though. We had to wake up early on Saturday for my dental cleaning (we had to reschedule it on Friday and I found out that the next available appointment was in mid-July - or the next day). Before meeting up with BL (again) for dim sum with MIBAgentQ's uncle and grandparents. MJNL was tasked with doing some analysis for them so we spent most of the afternoon over at their place. As such, we did not get back home until late afternoon when I realized that not all of my hockey equipment was clean. So we ended up late for JW 's birthday thing (which I had just found out about that morning) but it was all good. We had fun eating, c

Ticket to Dominion

We had a little gaming session at our place on Sunday. Originally we were going to have at least eight people show up (and possibly way more) so we booked the party room, only to find out that people cancelled, leaving us with five confirmed to show up. I sent out the invite to bunches of people on Friday, but in the end, only Laz and Werdna arrived, with CH showing up with S for an hour. Well, the four of us had a good time. Five of us played Ticket to Ride (my first time) which was a very simple game, but had good interaction. Then after CH left, the four of us played Dominion for the rest of the night. It was fun, but I lost every single game!

Maddie baby.

For those of you who actually know Madelaine, they're expecting a baby at the end of July! She told me to pass it along to anyone I keep up with. Well, this is a good enough place to start..

Five people play one guitar

Somebody That I Used To Know - WOTE Parody!

Fishermen Club House Restaurant

MJNL and I had dinner at the Fishermen Club House Restaurant last night. We had heard about this place from a couple of people and the reviews online rated the place very highly. We tried to go last week but the line up was ridiculous (and it was a week night)! So we made a reservation this time and showed up early. The place was still packed. They are known for their lobster, and the entrance was jam packed with tanks and tanks of lobsters. Most of them were more than two pounds in size, and many were closer to five! I had heard before that larger lobsters are not as tasty as the meat tends to be more tough. I don't recall where I got that news from, but we went with the 2.5 lb lobster dinner special. They pulled out a lobster that was 3 pounds and asked if it was okay to use. The lobster looked okay to me, so we went with it. What came back was some of the best lobster I had ever eaten! The meat was surprisingly soft, and the sauces they used were so tasty! It looked like they

Spring Cleaning

MJNL and I spent all day yesterday cleaning the apartment and rearranging the bedroom. It has been something she has been wanting to do for a while and it was pretty good that we were able to finally get it done and out of the way. We were able to get rid of some stuff, but for the most part we just transferred even more stuff from our place to my parents' basement. I was also able to put up those picture frames I have been meaning to put up for months now, and the place looks much more tidy than normal. We had a wedding to go to on Saturday. The weather worked out perfectly for the happy couple, and MJNL had a really good time. Friday the two of us spent babysitting MJNL's nephew, although for part of the afternoon he was not even there! Kids can be quite a handful at that age when they're extroverted.