
Showing posts from April, 2018

Angled nail.

I mentioned that I had a finger infection a couple of months ago. Well, fingernails grow at a snail's pace, but they still grow, and the ridge where the nail bed was engulfed by the infection is plainly visible now. There is a huge dent across the width of the nail. In front of the dent, the nail is smooth and a little glossy. Behind the dent, the nail is whitish and rough, as if the nail was frozen in place at the time of the infection and more and more skin is being peeled back from the nail bed. It is a rather jarring scene made even more odd by the fact that the nail is coming out at an angle. The nail does not look like it is growing straight, It is pointed a few degrees to the left (when looking at the back of my hand). It is probably an optical illusion, but it does look like someone attached the nail incorrectly, tried to fix it, and then gave up and left it a little crooked. My nail is growing at an angle? Maybe I should take a picture.

I see the rust.

The rust on my car is starting to show. I'm afraid that my car's going to quickly rust out on me over the next couple of years, but I will keep driving it. I'll check with my dad to see what his thoughts are about the mini-van. It just sits in his garage, and I really should look into something a bit more practical when we start aiming for two, or three.. I'll give it one more year. I think my car's number will be up when number two pops out. Anyone want to buy a well(ish) maintained RSX?

Three funerals in three months.

So we went to another funeral a couple of days ago and met all of the same people at the same location. "Next time we meet should be for a happier occasion." or "Hopefully this will be the last one for a while." was a fairly common comment with the people we were talking with. To be honest, a couple of these funerals were a long time coming: Grandmothers who were more than a century old, and both having suffered sudden declining health in the past several months. Still, it is very tough on my cousins who were related to and close to all three. Having a big strong family helps share the burden, but these events still remind us of our inherent demise, our finite existence, and the need to live out life to the best that we can, and enjoy very moment of it.. ..and hopefully those you leave behind will be able to celebrate the life that you once had.