
Showing posts from January, 2018

Palliative care.

So my last living grand parent is now in palliative care. She had a stroke a couple of weeks ago and things just went downhill from there. We (including EYS) said our good byes already so it is a waiting game for us. Some of the rest of the family are having a bit harder time, but when someone is not eating, or drinking, or connected to a tube, it is only a matter of time..

The annual year end tradition continues..

So I got sick this past weekend. In fact, I am still sick. Mild flu like symptoms: hacking cough, runny nose, chills, exhaustion, and some muscle aches. It was not so bad as to force me to stay in bed except for New Year's Eve when I just wanted to sleep the whole day through, but the rest of the weekend was manageable. Now, considering that I had a reunion I organized on Friday night, a gym day I organized on Saturday, New Year's Eve celebrations on Sunday, I probably should have stayed at home for all of these instead of going out to share my cloud of germs with others. EYS is also sick, I can tell from her lack of appetite and huge gobs of snot she keeps rubbing out of her nostrils. (When I say huge, these are adult sized gobs coming out of a nose less than half the size of mine, so when she complains about her nose, she is not kidding.) I was hoping to avoid getting sick again this time of the year and thought we were doing good up to Christmas, but I guess "'t